The Advisory Board for Gender Equality has been operating since The committee grapples with issues related to gender equality among women and men at a local authority level in order to ensure that local authority decisions neither create advantages for one sex or disadvantages for the other. The Advisory Board for Gender Equality has 24 women and men with voting rights and other advisory members. The Gender Equality Officer of the City of Leipzig is the chairperson of the board. The members of the Advisory Board select priority issues every year. The continual division of the meetings into two set parts has proven to be a major benefit. There is a public session at the beginning and, following International Sex Guide Krakow, non-public discussions. As a result, interested women and men can attend the public presentations, ask questions and submit proposals. The makeup of the Advisory Board in particular political groups from the city council, chambers, unions, women's associations, women's organisations in the parties, university, etc. After starting its work inthe Advisory Board for Gender Equality can point to excellent cooperation and the successful introduction of initiatives and decisions, by way of summary. Its work has resulted in recommendations and applications that have been passed on to the administration departments and the city council. The board meets International Sex Guide Krakow times a year. The fourth legislative period for the Advisory Board for Gender Equality starts with the inaugural meeting in the first quarter of the year. Citymap Contact. City Office Thinking Leipzig Ahead. Birth Marriage Registration of Deaths. Geographical situation and land use Population Labour market and Economy Tourism, Traffic and Transport Education, Science and Culture Leipzig in comparison with other Cities. The 9th October The 9th October Remembering Democracy Conference. Twin Cities Leipzig International School Eurocities Visitors' Programme for Former Jewish Leipzigers and their Descendants. Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Foreign nationals and migrants Welcome Centre Leipzig Migrants, integration and intercultural activities in Leipzig Foreigners' Authority Refugees in Leipzig. Schools with German as a second language. Advisory Board for Gender Equality Louise-Otto-Peters-Prize Domestic and sexualised violence European Charter for Equality of Women and Men. Directions to the Leipzig Zoo. Sports venues Recreational and mass sports Sports clubs and associations Recreation Tips Sports Museum Leipzig Sport events. Gutenberg Prize Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding. Shopping Nightlife Food and Drink. Research Facilities Universities and Institutions of Higher Education Information for International Students. Business Founding Support for Migrants in Leipzig Leipzig startup initiatives Startup competitions. Investment Guide Business location Leipzig Offers of commercial land and premises Infrastructure. Automotive and Suppliers Healthcare and Biotech Energy and Environment Logistics IT, Media and Creativity. Residence Registering or changing registration of residence Applying for a certificate of eligibility for subsidised housing Applying for emergency assistance with housing and emergency accommodation. Building Regulations for the General Public Protection and preservation of monuments and historic buildings Geodata and Maps Real Estate Registry. INSEK Leipzig — Integrated Urban Development Concept Urban Development Plans Land use plan Landscape plan Regional Cooperation Monitoring System. Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation Nature Conservation in Leipzig Flood Control Environmental Information Centre UiZ. Bicycling in Leipzig Bus and Rail in Leipzig Traveling in Leipzig by Car, Motorcycle and Motor Home Air Transportation. Advisory Board for Gender Equality. Back To Top.
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